Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 10: Productivity

Today, I got a lot of things done. I'm very proud of myself actually.
I woke up at 8am, which is the earliest I've gotten up all week, took a shower, which I haven't done all week (ew), and put on real pants (not sweatpants), which I haven't done all week.  Then, I went on base and FINALLY got my paperwork turned in for my new job, and then went to "orientation", which was basically just more paperwork, but more geared toward payroll. 
After returning home for a quick lunch and a bit of playtime with my kitty, I headed back out to get a few essentials at Kmart before hitting Kohl's to use my 30% off for the last time, and to redeem my Kohl's Cash. Double Deal!
After my shopping adventures, I settled down to a lovely dinner of a Banquet Chicken Pot Pie and Apple Juice. DE-licious!

Highlight of my day: A 20 minute (about) conversation on Facebook Chat with my hubby.  He said that he moves out Tomorrow (his time), so tomorrow night, our time.

Tomorrow, I have to get up even earlier (7am) to report in to the Childcare Center at 8am, so I should probably move towards my bedroom pretty I'm SUPER tired!

Things are starting to look up!

P.S. Prayers are requested for Kent's safe travels, for my job process to go smoothly, and for me to remember to pay all of the bills on time! Gah!

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