Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 50: The End of February

Well, I survived the month of February.
I'm actually super proud of myself. Now, I just have to press on through March and most of April, and all this madness will be over. At least for a year or so. :)
I'm thinking it's going to be very hard now to not get too excited about Kent's homecoming. Now that we're past the halfway mark, it feels like the days are going to just fly by, but I'm not so sure that they will....
Plus, tomorrow we have our last Family Readiness Group (FRG) meeting, and I know that all we will be talking about is redeployment, and it will be hard to keep reminding myself that we still have a ways to go in this deployment.  I'm afraid I'll get too excited now, and then it will make the time pass slower. hmm...oh well.
For now, I'll just try to focus on work, and finishing the majority of my training that's due in July before he gets home. That way I can focus more on our relationship while he's home, and not constantly obsessing over my training.
Speaking of work, it was so good to be back in my normal center, with ladies who may not ALWAYS the most understanding (see earlier posts for references), will at least make the effort to talk to me and include me in conversations. I was even coerced into purchasing some cookie dough from one of my coworkers. haha. It didn't take much to talk me into that one!
Tomorrow I won't be able to sleep-in as much as I did today, because I have to go turn in the rent check before my meeting, and THEN go to work, but sleeping in until 10 this morning was completely well-deserved after my crazy weekend.
Ok, off to bed.
Much love to all!

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